Santa Clara County Office of Education
Five children with their heads together looking down at camera Four students looking at a globe Students in a classroom holding up signs with their names on them

My Name, My Identity

By pronouncing students’ names correctly, you can foster a sense of belonging and build positive relationships in the classroom, which are crucial for healthy social, psychological, and educational outcomes.


Take the Pledge

Investigate The World

Students investigate the world beyond their immediate environment.

Recognize Perspectives

Students recognize their own and others’ perspectives.

Communicate Ideas

Students communicate their ideas effectively with diverse audiences.

Take Action

Students translate their ideas into appropriate actions to improve conditions.

My Name Story

Watch students from San José, California share the story about how they were given their name and the meaning behind it. What's your name story? Share your name story on social media with the hashtag #mynamemyid.

Are you ready to help?

Pledge to pronounce students' names correctly. It's that simple.

Take the Pledge
Pledges Made
Districts Pledged
Cities Pledged
Community Pledges

Contact Us

Have a question or a comment? Feel free to get in touch with us if you require additional information regarding the campaign, your pledge or our resources.

  • Santa Clara County Office of Education
  • National Association for Bilingual Education
  • Santa Clara County Office of Education
  • National Association for Bilingual Education
  • Santa Clara County Office of Education
  • National Association for Bilingual Education